Nov 21, 2022
Eddie O'dea recently became the first person to complete the Eastern Divide Trail which runs through Mulberry Gap in Georgia, which was also the location for the first BoD Takeover. This made him the ideal candidate to be my first guest with a live audience. This conversation took place on Saturday morning at the...
Nov 9, 2022
On Sunday before the group start of the Arizona Trail Race Katie Scott was texting her friend who was doing the race with the typical well wishes. That short interaction sparked something in Katie that had been brewing for years. After thinking about doing the AZT for years she decided in that moment that this would be...
Nov 1, 2022
Ernie Lechuga is no stranger to cycling success at a high level. He began his road cycling career in the 90's and earned a spot on the coveted Team Jelly Belly. After retiring he moved to NW Arkansas where he now helps other cyclist unlock their potential through his coaching business, Leborne Coaching. In recent years...